< Back to Getting Started


Use this script as a companion to the slides. As players explore rooms, read the prompts as needed. Pay close attention to triggered responses to players’ actions. This script assumes you are presenting the slides using Zoom or other video conferencing app, and you’re ready to begin.

Note: Game master notes, like this sentence, are in red. Do not read these notes to the players.

Players will use a magical mechanical globe to travel to a series of locations around the world on the trail of the kidnapper.

Table of Contents

Newton, MA, USA
Western Ireland


While waiting for everyone to join, show Waiting Room.

After everyone arrives, show Getting Started.

Thanks everyone for joining us tonight for Creature Caper, our online escape room. Does everyone have a pencil, paper, and the handout ready? Great! Some basic tips before we start:

  • You get clues by interacting with objects or characters.
  • What you see and hear will include everything that you need to solve the puzzles. I encourage you to speak up as you figure things out - it keeps everyone on the same page.
  • Investigate each area thoroughly before moving to the next and take notes, but you don’t have to sketch maps or symbols. If you need to see something again, just ask.
  • If you get stuck, you may be missing information. Leave, collect more clues, and come back later.
  • And finally, once you use an object, you won’t have to use it again, so you can cross it off of your list. There’s one exception to this rule, but we’ll make it obvious.

Is everyone ready? Great! The clock starts now! Welcome to Creature Caper!

Newton, MA, USA

Professor’s Library

Show Evangeline and Jerry.

The message to come to the manor was urgent. “Tell no one,” it said.

The woman who ushers you into the library seems distracted. “Evangeline,” she says in lieu of a more formal introduction. “And this is Jerry, my husband’s assistant,” she adds, gesturing to the young man by the fireplace. “Thank you for coming. I’ve heard you’re the best, and I need the best. This is no ordinary case. You see…it’s my husband, the Professor. I’m sure you’ve heard of him. He’s the world’s foremost magizoologist, and a founding member of the Museum of Supernatural History. Well, he’s missing. It all started when the book he’s writing, a compendium of magical creatures, was stolen. Then creatures started disappearing. He set out to catch the culprit, and then we received this…” she hands you a telegram.

Show Telegram.

Creatures indeed missing, twelve thus far. Have reached the location of the latest creature-napping and am tracking a possible accomplice. If you do not hear from me by tomorrow evening, send help. Would share more, but I suspect I am being watched and my letters intercepted. 55 16 1 N. 6 28 21 W. The Professor.

“The future of the magical world is at stake,” Evangeline says. “So…will you take the case?”

The coordinates to Western Ireland, their next location, are contained in the telegram: 55 16 1 N, 6 28 21 W.

If anyone tries to be smart and says no: Why did you accept the invitation to come here tonight??

Once they say yes, show Backpack.

Before you begin searching for clues, you tuck the telegram into your trusty backpack–you’d never go into a new case without it. It’s pretty empty now, with only a bar of palmolive inside, so there’s plenty of room for evidence or useful tools you find.

Show Professor’s Library.

Now that that’s taken care of, where would you like to look for clues first?


Show Chessboard.

“I hate that thing,” Jerry says, shuddering. “It’s James, the Professor’s previous assistant. He got too close to a dragon’s treasure…at the Professor’s urging, of course. Went about as well as you would guess. I can’t believe he keeps it…so morbid.

Cloche (glass case)

Show Chessboard.

Examining the cloche, you decide to pick it up–and find a button underneath!

If they push the button: Hmm, nothing seems to be happening.


Show Chessboard.

You go over to the chess table, which has a built-in drawer.

“When he’s not out galavanting, my husband loves to spend his afternoons beating Jeremiah at chess,” Evangeline offers.

“He doesn’t always win,” his assistant grumbles, indignant.

If they open the drawer, show Chess Pieces.

You find several chess pieces inside.

If they place the chess pieces on the board: Hmmm, nothing seems to be happening.

If they try to take the chess pieces: “Please, I’d prefer if you left those here,” Jerry says. “I need the practice.”


Show Chessboard.

Evangeline informs you that the beautiful woman in the portrait is the Professor’s first wife, Saoirse. You notice there are hinges on one side of the frame.

If they fiddle with the painting, show Behind the painting.

The painting swivels to reveal a hidden compartment. Inside, you discover a bottle of vinegar and one of butterbur. The vinegar reads ‘For sticky situations’ and the butterbur reads ‘For respiratory maladies’.


Show Bookcase.

You peruse the Professor’s extensive book collection, noticing three of the shelves have been arranged by color. Something has been etched into the wood. It reads: Find the nonconformist in each group. They always have something interesting to say.


green - book #7 (the only book with an odd number of stripes)
blue - book #4 (the only book with more stripes on the bottom than on the top)
red - book #6 (the only book that does not follow a repeating sequence).`

If they pull out the correct 3 books, show Books.

Congratulations, you’ve done it! What a strange collection of titles this man has curated…you wonder if he’s trying to tell you something…

Solution: When read as a single phrase from left to right, it says: To acquire the key to the essentials, station the weight in the hearth.

If they place the paperweight in the hearth: Now you’re getting somewhere! The heft of the paperweight triggers a hidden panel to spring open. A small golden key drops to the ground.

… then show them Desk Key, and read the Desk section.

The key can be used to open the Essentials desk drawer.


Show Desk.

You check out the professor’s desk, guessing that’s where he’d stash important things.

If they ask about the creature page, show Creature Page.

“This is all that’s left of my husband’s book,” Evangeline explains. “He had a whole system worked out on how to categorize magical creatures.”

You study the page, noting that it includes the creature’s name, magical category, and some interesting stats such as power and health.

If they ask about the paperweight: It’s got a good heft to it, and oddly enough, despite its prominent place upon the desk, it’s not being used.

If they ask about the globe, read the Mechanical Globe section.

If they ask about the drawers: The desk has a number of drawers, one of which is labeled “essentials.”

If they try to open it: Locked! What could he be hiding in there…

If they open other drawers, show Old Photo.

You try the other drawers, and the only thing even vaguely interesting that you find is an old, ripped wedding photograph.

If they use the key to open the locked drawer, show Essentials Drawer.

The drawer unlocks, and you discover a letter, a notebook, and what appears to be a dragon scale.

If they ask about the letter, show Professor’s Letter.

You pick up the letter and quickly scan its contents. It reads:

If you’ve found this, it means something terrible has befallen me. As a renowned sleuth and adventurer, it dings my pride that I have failed to single-handedly apprehend the creature-napper myself, and now I must turn to you in my hour of need. By finding this note, you have already proven your intelligence and shown that you are more than up to the task of rescuing me and the creatures alike.

However, wit alone will not suffice. You’re going to need a lot of magic, too. Thankfully, I can help you there. I find the fastest and most pleasant way to travel is by dragon magic, so please make use of my globe, a present from the Eldest herself. Place a gift given freely by a dragon in its basin, and prepare to be amazed!

Bon voyage et bonne chance!

The Professor

If they ask about the dragon scale: A rare and beautiful specimen indeed! Items such as this one have powerful magical properties.

If they ask about the notebook, show Map Notebook.

There are hundreds of pages of maps. Some have notes scribbled on them, as well as coordinates for longitude and latitude.

If they look for the telegram coordinates in the notebook, show Map of Ireland.

You’ve found it. The coordinates are for Western Ireland.

Mechanical globe

Show Mechanical Globe.

What a curious device. It has a shallow basin that seems to be meant to hold something and on the base there are two rows of 6 numerical dials, and a round button labeled ‘Open.”

The original coordinates on the globe are for the location of the Professor’s Manor. The players will need these coordinates to return to the Manor with the Professor later in the story.

If they fiddle with the number dials: What would you like to set them to?

If they press the button without placing the scale in the basin: It doesn’t seem to do anything.

If they attempt to set the incorrect coordinates: Be careful! You only have one dragon scale to use, so you better get this right!

If they attempt to press the button with the right coordinates before looking at the map, show Globe with Ireland coordinates.

Just as you’re about to hit the button to activate the mechanism, Evangeline catches your hand. “Wait… do you even know where you are going…?”

If they set the correct coordinates, place the dragon scale in the basin, and press GO:

Solution: 55 16 1 N, -6 28 21 W

The scale begins to glow, getting brighter and brighter and brighter until a blinding light fills the entire room. Suddenly, it is extinguished. You cry out, startled by the portal in the middle of the library!

The view beyond is of a moonlit cavern. Cold ocean air prickles your skin. Where the dragon scale once lay, there is now only ash.

… then show Portal to Ireland (start), transitioning to Portal to Ireland (end) as the portal opens. Players presumably ask to go through. Go to Western Ireland section.

If they have not examined painting or chessboard yet: Evangeline urges you to complete your search of the library before you move on, to make sure you didn’t miss anything.

If the forget to bring globe: Evangeline urges you to take the globe with you lest you need it again, and in one step, you cross thousands of miles.

Western Ireland

Portbraddon Cave

Show Portbraddon Cave.

Welcome to Ireland! You are in a vast cavern. There are a series of runes etched into the wall, and you notice an irregular fissure in the rock. It almost looks like some kind of door…

Something causes a ripple in the still, dark waters, and you jump…and then laugh at yourself. It was only a fish!

If they try to open or press on the door: The rock is unyielding against your puny human strength.

If they try to catch a fish without the fishing rod: Best of luck, but I doubt you’re going to catch anything with your bare hands!

If they try to catch a fish with the fishing rod, show them Fish.

You’ve got one! Carefully, you reel it in.


Show Levers.

There are four levers: green, red, blue, and white. And you can forget about reading those runes–you don’t even know what language they are!

If they press the levers: The levers press down and return to the top position automatically after they are pressed.

After they’ve found the cypher for the runes and return, show Runes with Key.

The cypher is found in a scroll in the mausoleum at Balleymoney Graveyard. The players must first decipher the runes into English letters, and then unscramble those letters to produce the right lever sequence to open the door.


Once they’ve translated into letters, show Translated Runes.


After they discover the cypher, you can optionally skip directly to the Translated Runes slide to save some time.

If they press the levers correctly, read Alfie section.

House of McDonnell Pub

Show House of McDonnell Pub.

You walk into the pub and the beautiful bartender smiles at you. You’re not exactly an expert on magical creatures, but you recognize she’s an undine, a water spirit that feeds off human emotions. This one seems friendly, though, and very desperate to catch your eye.

Except for a single man sitting at the far end of the bar, there are no customers tonight; a shame, because the beer list is rather impressive.

If they try to interact with the patron first, show Patron’s Vest.

You approach the man, but he rebuffs your attempts at conversation. You notice the vest he’s wearing has something written on the back.

If they ask about the bar taps/serial number or walk up to the bar, show Serial Number.

You walk up to the bar, and on the taps, you notice a series of letters and numbers organized by black and white.

After they have looked at the taps, or if they talk to the bartender: The bartender catches your eye: “Would you be willing to do me a favor?” she asks.

If players say yes: “You see that man? His mood is leaving a terrible taste in my mouth, and he’s frightened everyone else away. Worst of all, he won’t give me his order. If you could figure out what he wants, I’d be very grateful. He looks like the sort who might enjoy a beer flight.”

Show beer flight.

Solution: The players must match the clues in the patron's limerick with the beer selections.

1 For Richer or Porter
2 Axe-toting Barbarian Doppelbock
3 Glacial Mammoth Extinction Brown Sour Beer
4 Cold Shoulder Cask-aged Cider
5 Old Unfaithful Erupting Ale

If they order the correct beers: The undine smiles “Here,” she says, offering you the fishing rod. “It’s not much, but this is my lucky fishing rod. Maybe it can bring you some luck too.”

Show fishing rod.

You bring the patron his flight.

“Thank you,” he says. “I’ve been sitting here forever, trying to work up the nerve to talk to that bartender, but she’s so pretty I kept getting tongue tied.”

He hands you several pieces of paper.

Then show Missing pages 1.

“You look like a detective. There was a suspicious character who left a few minutes after I got here, and I found these where he’d been sitting.”

If they ask the bartender about the beer list, show beer list:

“We have a wide selection of beers on tap,” the undine offers.

If they try to get the fishing rod: “Employees only behind the bar,” the undine firmly, yet kindly, tells you.

If they ask about the fishing rod: The undine notices your interest in her fishing rod. “I see my lucky rod has caught your eye,” she says. “I’d be willing to part with it in exchange for a favor.”

If they ask the bartender about the caves, map, or missing creatures:

  • Missing creatures: “Terrible, isn’t it? All these creatures going missing. I’m half afraid I might be next! I’ve heard that whoever’s doing it has been leaving little things behind, calling cards of his crimes, if you will.”
  • Caves: “Legend has it, an ancient and powerful being lives deep within those caves. Maybe he can help you.”
  • Map: “Hmmm, interesting that these three places have been marked. Maybe they’re all connected in some way? Not sure what we have to offer here to help you though, unless what you’re looking for is a good drink.”

Balleymoney Graveyard

Show Balleymoney Graveyard.

You explore the grounds of the old graveyard, complete with a large mausoleum and some very interesting tombstones. Your skin prickles with the sense that you are being watched. A pair of unblinking, golden eyes peer at you through the gloaming.

If they ask about the cat: A small cat hides behind the gravestones, timid yet curious. She shadows your movements, always making sure to stay just out of reach.

If they try to catch the familiar: The little cat is far too fast for you to catch. Every time approach her, she skitters away.

If they offer the fish to the familiar, show Familiar.

Hesitantly, the cat approaches. She accepts the fish with a plaintive mewl.

When she’s finished the last of her supper and licked her chops, she stares straight into your eyes. Thoughts that are not your own enter your mind.

“Don’t be afraid, kind stranger,” the cat communicates. “I am a witch’s familiar, and I am in need of your help. My witch has been poisoned with golden frog venom, and now she’s trapped within this amulet. I must find a way to save her, but as you can see, I am only a cat.”

The fish can be caught in Portbraddon Cave using the fishing rod gifted by the undine.

Show Witch’s Curse.

If they solve the puzzle: “Thank you!’ the cat says. “Here, I found this among the graves. I think humans use these things to see better, and I sense you will need it later.”

Solution: The antidote for golden frog venom is 5 drops of pearl powder.

Show Quizzing Glass, then show Familiar again.

“And if I may be so bold, would you please help me obtain the antidote? I don’t know where I can find pearl powder, and I’m pretty sure no one will sell it to a cat. In exchange, I will accompany you and help if you call upon me. I’ll just jump into your backpack–you’ll hardly notice my weight at all.”


Show gravestones.

Three graves in particular draw your eye, and taking a closer look, you see that some of the numbers on them have eroded with time.

You take a moment to consider each in turn, concluding that since they all come from different eras, most likely the missing information isn’t linked between the three.

Solution: Each gravestone represents a sequence of numbers that can be used to infer the missing digits (16428), which can be used to open the mausoleum lock.

Gravestone #1: 1 2 4 8 [1 6]
Gravestone #2: 1 8 2 6 3 4 [4 2] 5 0
Gravestone #3: 1 1 2 3 5 [8]


You go to check out the mausoleum, but its doors are locked shut with a heavy chain and a 5-digit number lock.

After they open the lock, Show Mausoleum Parchment.

The lock yields, and you pull the doors open. The room beyond is empty save for a rolled up piece of parchment on the floor.

Solution: The combination to the lock is obtained by solving the gravestone puzzle (above).

The runes on the parchment can be used to solve the lever puzzle in Portbraddon Cave.


Show Alfie.

You were right–that fissure in the rock is a door! It opens, revealing a vast cavern filled with bones, treasure–and a very grumpy-looking dragon!

“Who’s there?” the dragon grumbles, squinting as he tries to locate you. “I can’t see you! Where are you?! I can’t see anything at all!”

If they present him with the quizzing glass, show dragon claw.

“Thank you! It’s a little small, but it will do just fine. For your generosity, have this. It has many magical properties, at least one of which should be of help to you.”

Show Alfie.

“Now, why is it that you have sought my company?”

If they attempt to leave before discussing creatures: “Going so soon? And it’s been so long since I’ve had company and a chance to hear what’s going on in the outside world.”

If they ask about the missing creatures: “Yes, even I have heard of the disappearances. I wish I knew who was behind it, but alas, I am as ignorant as you. Maybe my friend, Senzaemon, in Japan might be more helpful. He lives in Ryōan-ji Temple.”

If they look up Ryōan-ji Temple in the notebook, show Map of Japan.

Turning the pages of the notebook, you find the Professor’s map of Japan. Thankfully, he’s written down the coordinates you need, and a few helpful notes as well!

If they use the mechanical globe to open the portal, show Portal to Japan (start) and transition to Portal to Japan (end):

You set the coordinates and place the claw in its proper spot. Again, the magic is instantaneous. Prepared this time, you shield your eyes. The scent of pine tickles your nose, and where once solid rock stood, a portal invites you to the other side of the world.

If they step through, go to the Ryōan-ji Temple section.


Ryōan-ji Temple

Show Ryōan-ji Temple.

A Buddhist priest greets you as you step out of the portal. Either he is a zen master or he’s very accustomed to magic, because he doesn’t even blink at your sudden appearance.

Show Priest.

“Welcome to the Temple of the Peaceful Dragon,” he says. “I presume you are here to see Master Senzaemon. But first, follow me.” He gestures toward a hanging scroll and a small box upon a nearby table. “There are two tests you must take to prove your worth, each a separate challenge onto itself. Which do you accept first?”

Meditation scroll

Show Meditation scroll.

You take a closer look at the scroll. It has seven words written upon it and seven sets of numbers.

The priest instructs you, “Meditate upon the concept of wabi-sabi and tell me what it takes to appreciate its beauty.”

If they solve the puzzle: “Yes, you are very wise,” the priest says. “Only those who are refined can appreciate the beauty in that which is flawed.”

Solution: Each boxed number corresponds to a word in the list, and the numbers under each box correspond to letters in the matching word. Assembled, the letters spell the solution to this puzzle: refinement.

Puzzle box

Show Puzzle box.

You examine the puzzle box. It has a directional lock at the top, labeled U, D, L, R, and features the inscription: “If you do not enter the tiger’s cave, you will not catch its cub.”

If they press the directional lock: When you press on an arrow, it acts like a button and makes a small clicking sound.

After they solve the puzzle box and open it, show Pearl Necklace.

The box pops open, revealing a beautiful pearl necklace.

Solution: U-D-R-R-U-L-L-U. The letters on the lock can be found in the inscription. Reading them in order provides the lock solution.

If they take it/ask to take it: “By all means, keep it. I have no use for such things,” says the priest.

If they try to crush the pearls (to make powder): Unfortunately, the pearls are stronger than you. You’re going to have to find a tool custom made for grinding.

Once they solve both puzzles: Satisfied, the priest motions you to pass through the temple gates. “Whenever you are ready, the Master will see you,” he says. “Good luck. I hope you find whatever it is you’re seeking.”


Show Senzaemon.

Stepping into the inner courtyard, your breath catches as you meet the eyes of a ferocious-looking dragon.

“Speak, human,” he commands. “What is it that has brought you here?”

If asked about the missing creatures: “I have heard rumors of such disappearances. I will share what I know if you grant me a request.”

If players say yes: “If you seek peace between humans and magical creatures, go to the Iya Valley. Talk to the villagers there and hear their tale. Come back when you have resolved their conflict, and I will give you the information you desire.”

Then, read the Iya Valley section.

After they resolve the situation with the oni, show dragon whisker.

Hearing that you’ve successfully brought peace between the oni and the villagers, Senzaemon plucks out one of his whiskers and offers it to you.

Show Senzaemon.

“And here is the information I promised. The creature-napper was last spotted near Joren Falls,” he says. “Be on your guard. The mastermind behind these crimes is devious.”

Iya Valley

Show Iya Valley.

After a long journey, you finally reach your destination: a small, remote village in the Iya Valley.

An old man greets you. “A terrible oni has been terrorizing us for weeks.” He points to the woods. ”You can see him there, lurking. The children refuse to go outside at all now, and even the bravest among us won’t go out alone. Please, rid us of this pest!”

If they ask the elder about the missing creatures: He says he’s heard of a tengu that went missing a few days ago. He suspects a foreigner was behind the disappearance, as no Japanese person would dare capture a tengu.


Show Oni.

Wary, you approach the oni. He growls at you. His eyes are bloodshot. He’s gasping for breath. He waves his arms frantically, pointing to his throat.

If the players give him the butterbur: The oni gulps down the drink and sighs. “Better,” he says, taking a deep breath. “Thank you! I’m sorry if I frightened you! I don’t mean to scare people. I want to be friends with the villagers, but they keep running away from me. I tried making sweets for them, but silly me, the recipe I found has soybean flour in it–and everyone knows oni are allergic to soy! Would you please help me?”

If players accept, show Dorayaki Recipe.

If they ask the oni about the missing creatures: He says he doesn’t know anything, because everyone is too afraid to talk to him.

When they correctly solve the puzzle: The oni thanks you profusely. “I’m so excited to have a friend!” he exclaims. “Please, share these with the villagers.”

Solution: The recipe is designed to be folded into a cube. Once the players visualize this, the correct quantities are grouped together by color.

1 tbsp rice oil
1/4 cup sugar
1/2 cup rice flour
2 tbsp water
1 tsp baking powder
4 whole eggs
1.1 lbs red bean paste
2 tbsp soy bean flour

Show dorayaki and gold ring.

Pausing, he fishes for something in his pocket. “And please accept this too. It’s the most valuable thing I own, but you’ve given me something far more precious today.”

When they give the elder dorayaki: “The oni made these?” the elder asks, skeptical. “And you’re sure they aren’t poisoned?” He takes a small nibble. His eyes pop. “This…this is amazing! So delicious! I need to ask for his recipe!”

Show Bronze mirror.

When he’s inhaled the last of the dorayaki, the elder thrusts a bronze mirror upon you. “I insist. Something for your troubles,” he says.

Jōren Falls

Show Jōren Falls.

As the sun sets, you walk through the woods toward the falls. Carried on the wind, you hear a woman’s voice. “Help! Help!” she says. “Please, anyone, help!”

You reach the clearing. The woman stands at the water’s edge, alone and frightened.

Show Woman.

She spots you. “Please, help! A foreigner, like you, asked me to take him to the falls. He had pages with images of magical creatures on them, and he was looking for one that lives in these parts.” She gestures to the water streaming down the rock face, where you can just make out an opening–and what appear to be several pages of the Professor’s missing book. “He went back there. That was hours ago! And now I’m here, alone, and it’s getting dark! Will you help me?!”

If players attempt to explore the falls: “Here, let’s go together,” the woman says, holding out her arm. You take it. It feels oddly…bony. And thin. She smiles, but you notice it doesn’t quite reach her deep black eyes. As you stare into them, you feel yourself becoming sleepier and sleepier. You’re asleep before you even hit the ground.

If players offer to help: “Thank you, stranger. Come, follow me, we’ll be safer together…” She smiles, but you notice it doesn’t quite reach her deep black eyes. As you stare into them, you feel yourself becoming sleepier and sleepier. You’re asleep before you even hit the ground.

Transition to Asleep, and read the Behind Jōren Falls section.

Behind Jōren Falls

Transition to Trapped.

Slowly, you awaken.You try to sit up…and fail. You can’t move! You begin to panic. You’re trapped in a huge spider web! A strange vision appears…it’s the woman from before…you recognize her face, but her body…her robes now gone, you can see the truth: what lay beneath was the form of a monstrous spider! She was the jorogumo! The monster stares at you with hungry eyes before retreating into the shadows.

Transition on same slide to animate Jorogumo’s retreat.

Your panic is now full blown terror. You look around, desperate for a means of escape. A number of human bones litter the floor…

If they look at the wrapped body in the web: That’s you–and what a sorry state you’re in!

If they ask about the bones: There might be something among their personal items that’s worth taking a look at…those pieces of paper look an awful lot like pages from the missing book.

If they call to the familiar/ask for backpack: You strain for your backpack, but it’s just out of reach.

A small head pops out of it. “Is that thing gone?” the cat asks. “It was horrifying. Please, tell me what to do, and I’ll help get you out of here.”

If they ask the familiar to use the vinegar: The familiar retrieves the vinegar. You notice some, but not all, of the web’s strands have been woven above the letters A to R, which are inscribed upon the floor. When the vinegar touches the strands, it seems to work a bit, but not enough to free you.

“Think,” the familiar says. “This thing must have a weakness. Do you know anything about it? We only have enough vinegar left to cover 7 strands. Which ones should I try?”

If the familiar applies the vinegar to the correct strands: Free! And just in time! You think you can hear the monster scuttling somewhere in the darkness above.

Solution: A-B-D-O-M-E-N. This solution is provided as a hint on the Map to Japan. "Most vulnerable on its ABDOMEN."

You bolt for the exit, but even in your haste, you remember to scoop up the missing creature pages–and it looks like there’s something else in there as well.

When you’re a safe distance away, you pause to take a look.

Show them Missing pages 2.

Once you are a safe distance away, you examine what you found. Well, at least the jorogumo wasn’t lying about the missing pages…and a coded message from the creature-napper!

Regarding the note found on this slide, once they decipher the sentence "Go west to grab greatest prize immediately.", the missing letters spell out the solution "Georgia", their next destination.

If they look up Georgia in the notebook, show Map of Georgia.

You find the map for Georgia and the new coordinates you need.

If they use the mechanical globe to open the portal to Georgia, show Portal to Georgia (start) and transition to Portal to Georgia (end).:

A burst of light. Senzaemon’s whisker ignites. A doorway to another land beckons. The view before you is dotted with ruins.

Then, read Colchian Ruins.


Colchian Ruins

Show Colchian Ruins.

You step through the portal into a field filled with various herbs and wildflowers. A mighty dragon raises his head above the piles and piles of gold filling the ruins, but when he sees it’s only you, he settles back to sleep.

If try to interact with dragon: “Go away,” he says. ”I can’t be bothered with humans. All they do is steal things, like that Jason who ran off with my precious golden fleece. Come back when you have something to offer me, and maybe then I’ll deign to talk to you. And don’t even think about touching my stuff…”

If they offer him the tarnished gold ring: “That old thing? This must be a joke, and a bad one at that. I don’t collect dirty things and trash.”

If they polish the ring with the palmolive and offer it to him: The dragon’s eyes light up. “So…shiny…” he hisses. “I want it…I need it.”

He takes the ring and tosses it upon the pile.

Show Dragon’s tooth.

“I suppose you want something in return. Here, have this tooth. It’s loose anyway. Now scamper off before I change my mind…”


Show Herbs.

You recognize some of the plant specimens: there’s peppermint, and chamomile, and Saint John’s wort…and there, in that oak, where the golden fleece once hung, is mistletoe!

Tbilisi Market

Show Market.

After consulting your map, you head off toward the capital. Once there, you wander around a bustling market square, filled with all kinds of interesting stalls.

Where would you like to explore first?

If players ask to check out any stall other than the apothecary’s: Say what it sells (see slide) and say unfortunately, you can’t afford anything there/these look interesting… or… now doesn’t seem the best time to buy item X…. or you’ve forgotten your wallet back in Newton…you get the idea.


Show Apothecary.

You approach the woman, recognizing that she’s an apothecary. She has a number of remedial ingredients for sale and a large mortar and pestle.

If asked about the mortar and pestle in order to grind the pearl into powder: “I’d be happy to help,” she says. “For a price, of course. I’m a businesswoman, after all. What do you have to offer?”

If they offer her anything other than what she wants (peppermint and mistletoe): “Sorry, but I don’t have a use for that.”

If they give her peppermint and mistletoe (of which she’s out of stock): “Just what I need! Here, give me those pearls. How much do you need for your elixir?”

If asked about the missing creatures: “Ah yes, it’s getting harder to source ingredients from them–they’re all in hiding. As if I needed more of a challenge trying to get sphinx tears!”

If the players use the mortar and pestle to grind the pearl into powder and sprinkle it over the amulet, read the Witch section.


Show Witch.

If the players use the mortar and pestle to grind the pearl into powder and sprinkle it over the amulet: The gem on the familiar’s amulet cracks. The crack grows. Deepens. The gem shatters. You blink, and before you stands a woman.

It’s the witch, free at last.

Jumping into her arms, the little cat nuzzles the witch’s face.

“Thank you,” the witch says. “You’ve gone to quite a bit of trouble to free me. While I was trapped in there, watching you search for the missing creatures, a prophecy came to me.

Slide transition: The prophecy fades in.

Let me recite it for you:

First, by hue, to night from flame, Next, by those who possess might. Lastly, by their given name, Then, the thief you can indict.

I’m not sure what it means, but I pray you find those creatures before it is too late.”

The witch warmly clasps your hands in hers, and both she and the familiar say their farewells. You wish the two of them the best of luck on their long journey home.

Then, read the Kitty section.


Show Market after witch.

Your business now concluded, you have time to explore the market more.

In the crowd, you spot a woman who’s holding something that looks suspiciously like pages from the missing creature book!

Show Kitty appears.

If they attempt to approach her: The woman sees you approaching–and breaks into a sprint! You take off after her at once. Could this be the creature-napper you’ve searched three countries for?!

Weaving through the stalls, you finally manage to corner her.

“You want these,” she says, brandishing the pages. “I’ll let you have them if you let me go. But only if you let me go. I’ll even throw in this from the guy who hired me.” She holds up a letter. “Not that it would do you any good…it’s pure nonsense. It was just a job, ok? I’m not the one you’re after.”

When they let her go: She hands over the papers, and roughly pushing past you, disappears once more within the crowd.

If they ask about who hired her: No clue. Didn’t ask. As far as I’m concerned, so long as the check clears, it’s none of my business.

If they ask to see the letter, show Kitty’s letter.

The woman was right, this letter makes no sense at all. You scan the page, growing increasingly confused…maybe there’s a secret code in there somewhere…

You do not have to read this letter to them. Looking at the first word of each sentence reveals: 'Captive under crypts. "Pufftail" to enter. Beware enemies gaze.'

"Pufftail" is the 8-letter combination to the lock on the Anatori Crypts.

After they decipher the letter, show Missing pages 3.

Anatori Crypts

Show Anatori Crypts.

Exploring the ruins above the crypts you discover a large building with no windows. The door is locked with an 8-letter combination.

Show Crypt lock.

If they correctly open the lock: Before you, darkness waits. In the shadows you can just make out a staircase leading deep down into the earth.

The combination to this lock, "pufftail", can be found by deciphering Kitty's letter.

Then, pause, letting players voice their decision to go down. If they don’t, immediately read Lower Crypts.

Lower Crypts

As you descend the staircase, you hear a loud hissing noise. It’s getting louder…and closer. You freeze.

Show Lower Crypts.

There’s a monster down there, and after your run in with the jorogumo, you aren’t taking any chances! But what are you going to do!?

If they hold up the mirror: Closing your eyes, you hold up the mirror, angling it around the corner. An awful screech pierces the air, followed immediately by silence.

You dare to peek in the mirror. A fearsome statue looms above you. A basilisk! It’s been turned to stone by the reflection of its own terrible gaze.

Show Basilisk.

Beyond the petrified basilisk, the crypt is littered with bones. And there, in that cell! The Professor!

If they try to open the cell without the key: Locked!

After they open the cell: You unlock the cell, and the Professor comes forward, dusting off his coat. “I presume Evangeline hired you?” he says. He reaches into his vest and produces 2 more of the missing pages and some kind of sketch he’s made.

Show Professor’s sketch.

“I think there’s a pattern hidden in the pages,” he offers by way of explanation. He places his cards onto his sketch and gives you a look that clearly communicates he had a lot of time to consider this while imprisoned. “These letters here, I didn’t write them. The villain is taunting us, leaving another puzzle. I only have two pages though, and there are 12 missing creatures. You wouldn’t have been more successful in recovering them than I, perchance?”

When players say yes/give him the 10 other cards, show Missing pages together.

“Beginner’s luck,” the Professor says, obviously miffed that you’ve accomplished more than he has. “Now let’s see if you’re as smart as you are lucky.”

If they deduce the prophecy is a clue for this puzzle, activate the slide transition to reveal the prophecy.

Solution: The prophecy is a riddle that provides instructions on how to sort the cards.

1. Sort light to dark (yellow, green, blue, brown).
2. Sort by power level, ascending.
3. Sort by name, alphabetically.

If they sort the cards by color, show Sorted by color.

If they then sort the cards by power level, show Sorted by power level.

If they then sort the cards by name, show Sorted by name.

Solution: Once sorted, the letters on each card read in order spell out "JEREMIAH BELL", revealing the kidnapper.

After they read the card to reveal the kidnapper’s identity: The Professor stares down at the letters, agog. “Jerry? Jeremiah did this? My own assistant? That ungrateful little…thinks he’s the better monster hunter, I’m sure of it! Quick, we need to get back home at once! You wouldn’t happen to have the coordinates, would you?

If they didn’t write down the manor’s coordinates: “Do you have my notebook with you?”

Solution: 42 21 29 N, 71 11 45 W

If they use the mechanical globe to open the portal to Newton, show Portal to Newton (start) and transition to Portal to Newton (end).

You activate the portal and return at last to Newton. Funny how you had to hopscotch all around the world only to wind up back here!

…then read Professor’s Return.


Professor’s Return

Show Professor’s return.

The professor walks through the portal first, shouting Jeremiah’s name. No answer.

“I think I know where that little worm is hiding,” the Professor declares, striding toward a bookshelf. He pushes the button beneath the decorative cloche, frowning when nothing happens. He tries again. Nothing.

“Curse him!” the Professor shouts, slamming down the cloche. “He must have changed the mechanism. Quick, look around for the new trigger!”

If they mention the chessboard, show Chessboard closeup.

If they mention the chessboard and the serial numbers, show Chessboard with code.

Solution: The serial numbers found on the bar tap in the pub provide the solution to the chessboard puzzle. Note that “K” can also mean “King” and provide another possibility for H2, which is also a correct solution (to speed things up at the end).

white knight on H2
black pawn on G9
white rook on D4
black queen on A1
white bishop on B7

If players place the right chess pieces on the right squares: The bookshelf swivels open, revealing a set of stairs. You and the Professor race down them, startling Jeremiah, who’d been throwing darts at a photo of the Professor.

Show Jeremiah’s lair.

“Ah, so you survived the basilisk,” he says, disappointed. “The jig is up.”

“Why?” the Professor fumes.

“Because you treat me like garbage and take credit for all my work. You know very well who really wrote that precious book of yours. Who did all the most dangerous and disgusting bits of field work. You keep that skull up there on the shelf as a reminder of my predecessor, James, and I have to look at it every day, wondering when I’ll be joining him as part of your collection.”

The professor sputters, “and what about the creatures? What excuse do you have for stealing them?”

“Money? It’s not like you’re paying me enough to live on…”

Slowly, you back away as the argument between the two begins to truly heat up. You signed on to save magical creatures, not settle a workers-rights dispute. You found the missing creatures, and that’s what matters. You cracked the case. A job well done, and done in record time!

Evangeline was right–you are the best!

Show Good night and give them a hearty round of applause.